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British Science Week 2022

British Science Week is a ten-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths that takes place between 11-20 March 2022!

At East Anstey we began the week in Class 2 by carrying out a number of exciting experiments.

First we began by setting up a growth experiment using spring onions. Children had to devise, predict and execute a plan to test the growth capacity and external factors affecting our onions.

We then did some soil sampling to test for suitable growing material around the school grounds. Lots of measuring; teamwork and discussion was needed and the children were asking some super scientific questions.

We then finished with a 'slime making' activity. It was a lot of fun and the children, as you can see, had to make some very accurate measurements using our miniature scales. This experiment was a real test of predicting skills; co-operation skills and they particularly enjoyed getting their hands dirty at the end.

This morning we carried out a fun measuring activity looking at body growth in children. The children enjoyed taking measurements and using the equipment to predict and summarise the questions posed.

The children have worked tremendously hard so far and we are only two days in. We are hoping to do a few more activities over the next few days such as planting the 50 trees we have had delivered; making Martian creatures and measuring sharks!

All the activities are linked to the topic of 'growth' and have been a lot of fun.

Kind regards,

Mrs Scandrett

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