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Introduction (Intent)
The use of information and communication technology is an integral part of the National Curriculum and is a key skill for everyday life. Computers, tablets, programmable robots, digital and video cameras are a few of the tools that can be used to acquire,
organise, store, manipulate, interpret, communicate and present information. At the Exmoor Link Federation, we recognise that pupils are entitled to access quality hardware and software and a structured and progressive approach to the learning of the skills needed to enable them to use it effectively. The aim of this document is to provide an overview to the Computing Curriculum across the Key Stages. It should also serve as a glossary of terms (Appendix 1) allowing a clear understanding.

Aims (Intent and Implementation)
Exmoor Link Federation aims to ensure all pupils are:
· provided with a relevant, challenging and enjoyable curriculum for computing.
· meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum programmes of study for computing.
· using computing as a tool to enhance learning throughout the curriculum.
· responding to new developments in technology.
· equipped with the confidence and capability to use computing throughout their later life.
· learning computing in other areas of the curriculum.
· developing their understanding of how to use computing safely and responsibly (with the addition of remote learning).

Rationale (Impact)
We believe that Computing is a necessary subject which prepares children to live in a world where technology is moving at a rapid pace. So much so that children are being prepared to work with technology that doesn’t even exist yet. For this reason, it is important that children are able to participate in the creation of these new technologies – placing greater emphasis on children as coders. Computing, in the National Curriculum, is split into three strands (Computer Science, Digital Literacy and Information Technology). It is important that children recognise
the difference between what makes each one relevant to their future, as well as their everyday lives. This will require high quality teaching of Computing, from reception to year six, that utilises a combination of practical lessons (within the computer suite) and
theory lessons (within the children’s classrooms). Theory lessons, which are designed to promote discussion and nurture understanding, are highly relevant to other areas of the primary curriculum such as RSE. Thus, the Computer Science strand should prepare children to understand what Computer Science is, as well as, complex computing concepts such as Algorithms and Binary code. At Key Stage Two, this knowledge should be taught at a deeper level encouraging children to learn about decomposition, debugging, variables and controlling
physical systems.
The Digital Literacy strand should prepare children to use the internet safely by giving them the knowledge to deal with inappropriate computing behaviours. This is echoed in the teaching and learning of appropriate computing behaviours. What is more, children will be taught how to take care of personal information, the differences between viruses and malware, and how to identify trustable sources. The Information Technology strand should prepare children to work with computers and other devices (such as tablets, mobiles). This should enable them to understand how technology is developing and how it has progressed. This will require children to be taught about the main part of a computer, how data is stored and how to complete the most basic of computer functions (such as saving work, presenting information and creating art).

Management and Organisation (Implementation)

The role of the Computing Subject Lead is to be responsible for the development of Computing at the Exmoor Link Federation. The role of Computing Coordinator involves:

o Raising standards in computing as a National Curriculum subject.
o Aiding the implementation of the new computing curriculum by providing training and support to all staff, when necessary.
o Monitoring the delivery of the computing curriculum and reporting to the SLT and the Head teacher on the current status of the subject.
o Ensure the development of computing through the construction and analysis of annual action plans.
o Liaising with other services, such as TME and other professionals, for technical and curriculum support.
o Ensuring their own knowledge and understanding of computing is kept up-to-date by attending courses and sharing new knowledge with staff.
o Discussing financial decisions with the Head Teacher and Business Manager.
o Promoting the use of computing resources across school, working with the Headteacher and Business Manager to ensure resources are current and up-to-date.

Staffing and Staff Development (Implementation)
Staff will:
o Have regular access to training and the knowledge of the Computing Coordinator.
o Be responsible for managing computing within their classrooms and designated computing areas.
o Be responsible for planning and delivering the computing curriculum in line with the Primary Learning Pathways Rolling programmes and Computing progression.
o Work with parents and carers to develop appropriate computing skills and behaviours.


E-safety (Implementation)
· A progressive e-Safety curriculum ensures that all pupils are able to develop skills to keep them safe online.
· Opportunities for learning about e-Safety are part of our Computing and RSE lessons and are reinforced whenever technology is used.
· Clear rules for e-Safety are agreed by each class at the beginning of every year. Parents and pupils sign an Acceptable Use Policy when a pupil first starts at the school. (These have been adapted to support the current climate with remote
learning). These are then signed annually by pupils and parents. Children are reminded (when they log onto to the computer) of the acceptable use agreement form they had to sign.
· The Rising Stars Switched on Computing and Online safety schemes of work are used to ensure progression and coverage; and provides positive rewards for responsible use of technology.
· The school supports the international Safer Internet Day each February.
· The school has an e-safety policy in place that details how the principles of e-safety will be promoted and monitored both in school and at home.

Inclusion (Intent)
We believe that all children have the right to access ICT and computing. In order to ensure that children with special educational needs achieve to the best of their ability, it may be necessary to adapt the delivery of the ICT and computing curriculum for some pupils. We teach ICT and computing to all children, whatever their ability. ICT and computing forms part of the national curriculum to provide a broad and balanced
education for all children. Through the teaching of ICT and computing we provide learning opportunities that enable all pupils to make progress. We do this by setting suitable learning challenges and responding to each child’s different needs. Where appropriate, ICT and computing can be used to support SEN children on a one to one basis where children receive additional support. Additionally, as part of our Autism friendly approach to teaching and learning, we will use adapted resources wherever possible such as visual timetables, different coloured backgrounds and screen printouts.

Resources and Access (Implementation)
The school acknowledges the need continually to maintain, update and develop its resources and to make progress towards a consistent, compatible PC system by investing in resources that will effectively deliver the strands of the National Curriculum and support the use of computing across the school. Teachers are required to inform the Headteacher of any faults as soon as they are noticed. Resources, if
not classroom based, are located in the resources area.



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